GALT 2020 All-Stars

We asked, and grey lovers responded –
EXCEEDING our initial matching fund goal!
Meet the members of the GALT 2020 All-Star Team!
In this unprecedented pandemic year, we recently put out a call for charter members of the GALT 2020 All-Stars, a group of supporters willing and able to donate $1,000 or more for a special Matching Fund for North Texas Giving Day on September 17, 2020. The initial goal was to raise at least $20,000 in this fund, but our amazing All-Stars pledged $25,000 in just one week! Our All-Star fund will serve as a match for the general donations made by other friends of GALT’s greys.
The first two pledges came in almost simultaneously! The first was from Cher and Chip Imrie, long-time GALT adopters, fosters, donors and volunteers. Chip and Cher started the Blazer’s Guardian Angels fund several years ago, and this program has raised over $31,000 for GALT’s greys since inception. The Imries are making their All-Star donation in honor of their greyhound Cal, and in memory of their Rainbow Bridge angels Blazer and Silvia
Cher, Chip, & Cal
The second pledge came from another long-time donor and friend of GALT who prefers to remain anonymous. She doesn’t have a greyhound but she is a dear friend of one of our very active GALT committee members. This special lady is a dog lover with a sensitive and caring heart. She is making a very generous donation to recognize her Papillon, Lili (pictured below), an esteemed honorary GALT grey!
Our third pledge is from Barb & Ron Christian, who adopted their first GALT greyhound in early 2008, have fostered numerous greys since then (adopting three more), and are long-time volunteers and donors. Their All-Star donation is in memory of Hondo and Julie, and in honor of their current greys, Willie fka Witty and Ali fka Butterfly.
Barb & Ron with Julie & Hondo
(Circa 2009)
Ali & Willie
Pledge #4 is from Hope Kahan, another generous donor who adopted her first GALT grey, Lyza, in December 2018. Hope is currently fostering Leia and Penny, with intent to adopt both! She is making her donation in honor of these three special girls, all of whom were fostered by Barb and Andy Berner – and all of whom were also sponsored by Blazer’s Guardian Angels Blazer’s Guardian Angels
Lyza & Hope
Our fifth pledge came from Shelley and William Latta, who adopted Shirley and Chickadee, the first two of their eight GALT greys, in late 2002. William and Shelley have fostered and volunteered for GALT for many years, and they have made numerous generous donations during that time. They stepped up right away to join the GALT 2020 All-Star team, in honor of their current greys Connie fka Countess and LuLu fka Zulu.
Pledge #6 came from Susan Smith and Wayne Axtell, adopters of two greys who just naturally had to be taken together in 2014 – Biscuit and Gravy! Susan and Wayne recognized the joy of adopting a couple of senior greys, but they had to say goodbye to Gravy in March 2016 and later to Biscuit in September 2019. They are dedicating their donation to these very special Rainbow Bridge Angels.
Susan & Biscuit
Our 7th pledge came in from Sandra Simmons, who adopted her first GALT grey, Zibia fka Gwen, in January 2019. Sandra very recently joined the foster ranks, taking in Dacy, a sweet 7-year old girl who retired after a long and successful career (199 races!) Sandra is pleased to donate to the GALT 2020 All-Star Matching Fund in honor of Zibia and Dacy.
Foster Dacy
Pledge #8 is from Ashley Westfall, who adopted Skye fka Anakie — her first GALT greyhound — in June 2020. She is a big fan of greys and wanted to do her part to help as a charter member of the GALT 2020 All-Stars. Ashley’s donation is in honor of her gorgeous Skye, who is enjoying her forever home life in sunny California, and also in memory of Ashley’s Rainbow Bridge Angels Jordan and Jack Foley.
Ashley & Jordan
Jack Foley
Skye & Ashley
Our 9th pledge was made by Cheryl and Greg Stephens, who adopted their first grey, Striker, in May 2007 – followed by Ribbon, Sydney, Shady and Dion. Cheryl and Greg have been GALT volunteers for many years, and they have fostered at least 14 GALT greys. Their All-Star donation is in honor of their entire pack, especially their precious Bridge Angels Striker and Ribbon.
Shady, Dion and Sydney
Pledge #10 comes from Jane and Bernie Guerrini, who have been donors and GALT members for many years. They recently fostered their first GALT grey, Gia. They are making their All-Star donation in loving memory of their girls at the Rainbow Bridge – Abbey, Annie and Lucy.
Annie & Lucy
Our 11th pledge was made by a long-time adopter, foster and very generous donor who prefers to remain anonymous. She has fostered numerous GALT greys and has adopted six greyhounds, including two senior girls in late 2018. She is making her GALT All-Star donation in memory of her four Rainbow Bridge angels, and her two seniors.
Pledge #12 is from Bill Smith and Jan Moye in honor of their first GALT grey, Coco, one of our Argentine greys! Adopted in August 2019, Coco — now called Louie, Louie-Louie and Cocopotamus – is a handsome and grateful ambassador for street dogs everywhere!
Pledge #13 was made by Linda and Rick Vayo, who started GALT’s Amanda and Emmet Golden Years Fund in 2018, in honor of their sweet senior greys. The Vayos subscribe to the mantra of many others in GALT: Adopting a senior greyhound is the best kept secret in the greyhound world! Sadly, both Amanda and Emmet traveled to the Rainbow Bridge in the past year. Rick and Linda can think of no better way to honor the memory of their Super Seniors than by joining the GALT 2020 All-Star team.
Amanda & Emmet
Our 14th pledge came from a couple of long-time greyhound adopters / volunteers who prefer to remain anonymous. They are making their donation in honor of their sixth greyhound, GALT’s Phoebe, a black beauty who is almost eight years old, adopted in July 2013.
Pledge #15 is from another anonymous donor who stepped up as she has many times in the past. Her very generous pledge helped us exceed our original goal by $5,000!
We deeply appreciate the generosity of our GALT 2020 All-Stars!
GALT also is very “greytful” to have so many other supporters who make donations of any size to special fundraisers like North Texas Giving Day. These additional donations are the key to meeting our overall goal of another $25,000 in general funds, and they really do add up, regardless of size! Please make your donation here on or before September 17th. in order to double its value with the matching funds from our GALT 2020 All-Stars. THANK YOU!