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National Adopt-a-Greyhound Month

April is National Adopt-a-Greyhound Month, and GALT, in cooperation with The Greyhound Project, is spreading the message of greyhound awareness to ensure that 100 percent of the greyhounds waiting in GALT's family find caring forever homes.   Due to a lagging economy, competition from casinos and in some states, legislation banning racing, Greyhound racing tracks are closing across the country, leaving thousands of racing greyhounds displaced.  The animals are cared for by foster homes and commercial boarding facilities in GALT's area as they wait to be adopted into permanent homes. Since 1991 GALT has placed more than 1700 greyhounds into “forever homes”.  Currently, there are over 50 greyhounds in foster care across the Metroplex and Texas.

In 2010, there is an even greater need to find homes for greyhounds because of track closings and the economy, which has resulted in fewer adoptions and many more surrenders because owners can no longer afford to care for their greyhounds and other pets. “National Adopt-a-Greyhound Month" is the perfect time to adopt a greyhound - a true retired athlete.  These beautiful, graceful and gentle dogs make great companion pets.

Public service announcements about greyhound adoption are airing locally and on Texas television stations throughout the month of April and beyond, promoting greyhound adoption.  Share Cal’s story with your friends on YouTube, and you just might help some of GALT’s greyhounds find their forever home! 

For the Month of April, GALT's public arena is being stepped up a notch with four special public events in addition to GALT's eleven regularly scheduled meet and greets in the DFW Metroplex and one in Austin!  Volunteers are needed to get out with their greyhounds, help with foster greys and spread the word of these magnificent dogs!  Details on these events are listed below.  So check your schedule and join us!


Old Town Keller Crawfish Crawl
Saturday, April 10
12:00 noon - 6:00 pm

Old Town Keller Crawfish Crawl
Volunteers are needed to set up the Meet & Greet booth and bring foster or kennel dogs for the first shift, from 12:00 - 2:00 pm.  We also need  volunteers to bring dogs for the second shift from 2:00 - 4:00 pm.  The third shift and shutdown are already covered. Please contact Nancy Colwell (Ph. 214-673-0113), Jennifer Vilches (214-704-5252) or Sara Ramadan (214-395-8649) if you can help.

Pints for Pups
Saturday, April 10
12:00 noon to 3:00 pm
Pints for Pups - Austin

Independence Brewing Company
3913 Todd Lane, #607
Austin, Texas
Please contact Derek Marler at [email protected] or 512-680-6562 if you can help!

Oak Cliff Earth Day
Sunday, April 18
12:00 noon - 5:00 pm

Oak Cliff Earth Day
Volunteers are needed for event setup between 9:00 am and 11:30 am.  We also need people to bring several foster and/or kennel dogs for this special Meet & Greet from 12:00 - 2:30 and 2:30 - 5:00.  One or two extra volunteers are needed to help with breakdown of our exhibit from 5:00 - 6:00 pm.  Please contact Nancy Colwell (Ph. 214-673-0113), Jennifer Vilches (214-704-5252) or Sara Ramadan (214-395-8649) if you can help.

2010 Hound Dog Hustle
Saturday, April 24
7:30am - 1:00 pm

2010 Hound Dog Hustle
Calling you early risers!  GALT received a very generous donation for our participation in this event last year.  As "payment" for GALT's booth fee, we need to provide at least one volunteer to help with set-up for this event from 6:30 - 8:30 am.  One other volunteer is needed to help the event organizers with post-event clean-up from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm.  We also need some volunteers to bring dogs for the first shift (7:00 - 9:00 am) and second shift (9:00 - 11:00 am).  Please call Susie McQuade (Ph. 214-676-3544), Nancy Colwell (Ph. 214-673-0113) or Jennifer Vilches (214-704-5252) if you can help.

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