New Mexico
Our Community Partners
From our amazing Veterinarians that care for our foster hounds, to the local businesses and organizations that provide top quality products, services, and tasty treats . . . GALTx the New Mexico Chapter, thanks all of our community partners that help us do what we do!
Eubank Animal Clinic
Boofy’s Best for Pets
Purple Paw Pet Care
Kokopelli Animal Clinic
Three Dog Bakery
Pack Walk & Events:
To join our weekly Pack Walks, please request to join our private Facebook Group here:
If you are not on Facebook, you can get on a group text with time and location by sending a request with your phone number to: [email protected]
For all other GALTx NM events, please see the organization calendar here.
Know a Hound in Need?
If you know of a greyhound, greyhound mix, or sighthound in need of re-homing in New Mexico, please contact [email protected]. You’ll need to send as much information as possible (age, sex, breed, health information, date of intake needed, and pictures).
Did your GALT Hound Escape or become lost?
Call us immediately at 405-213-7948 first, and 505-604-1198 as a backup.
Adoptable Hounds in New Mexico
All hounds available in NM can be found here. The Zia symbol indicates dogs that are currently in New Mexico, all other dogs shown are in the DFW, Texas area or Arizona.
Before you apply to adopt, we strongly encourage you to read our policies on the adoption page. We are happy to discuss any of our policies prior to submitting an application, please email [email protected]. Here are some key points:
- GALTx NM does not adopt to applicants that do not keep their pets current on vaccinations, wellness visits, or preventatives. Part of the application review will include a call to your Veterinarian to confirm health status of all pets.
- GALTx NM does not adopt to applicants with young children; homes that currently have children and greyhounds together may be considered.
- GALTx NM will not adopt to applicants whose home does not have an adequate yard enclosure. Part of the application review will include a home visit.