Medical FAQ
What are the medical idiosyncrasies of greyhounds?
Greyhounds have some unique medical features and needs. Please read more in this guide by Dr. Bill Feeman, DVM and share it with your vet if they are not familiar with greyhounds.
What is reverse sneezing?
How much should my greyhound weigh?
On the other hand, it’s notoriously hard to keep weight on senior greyhounds. If your dog is too skinny (more than two ribs showing, prominent hip points), then it may be time to up their food intake or change to a calorie-dense food. Again, check with your vet for advice – sudden weight loss can be a sign of other health problems.
When should I rush my dog to an emergency vet?
- Severe difficulty breathing with bluish or white gums or tongue
- Severe trauma (broken bone, heavy bleeding, eye injury, burns)
- Poison/toxin exposure
- Heat stroke
- Bloat
- Uncontrolled vomiting
- Choking
- Severe seizures
- Unconsciousness
It's not an emergency, what conditions warrant an appointment with my vet?
- Broken tooth
- Minor lacerations
- Difficulty defecating or urinating
- Diarrhea or vomiting (more than one or two episodes)
- Lethargy
- Consistent limping
- Prolonged, excessive panting with no physical exertion
- Long episodes of coughing
- Not eating or drinking for 24 hours
- Sudden changes in behavior
- Rapidly growing lumps
- Signs of pain (crying, standing with an arched back, listlessness)
- Persistent scratching or chewing at spots on the body
- Skin rash
- Abnormal lumps or bumps that are painful, red or hot to the touch
What about pet medical insurance?
Does my dog have tapeworms?
What common plants can be poisonous to dogs?
- Aconite
- Arrowgrasses
- Atropa belladonna
- Autumn Crocus
- Azaleas
- Baneberry
- Bird-of-Paradise (pods)
- Black locust
- Bloodroot
- Boxwood
- Buckeye
- Buttercup
- Caladium
- Carolina jessamine
- Castor bean
- Chinaberry tree
- Chockcherries
- Christmas berry
- Christmas Rose
- Common privet
- Corn cockle
- Cowbane
- Cow cockle
- Cowslip
- Daffodil (bulbs)
- Day lily
- Death Camas
- Delphinium (Larkspur)
- Dumbcane
- Dutchman’s breeches
- Easter lily
- Elderberry
- Elephant’s ear
- English Ivy
- European Bittersweet
- False Flax (seeds)
- False hellebore
- Fan weed
- Field peppergrass
- Foxglove
- Holly
- Horsechestnut
- Horse nettle
- Hyacinth (bulbs)
- Iris
- Jack-in-the-pulpit
- Jatropha
- Jerusalem Cherry
- Jimsonweed
- Lantana
- Laurels
- Lily of the valley
- Lupines
- Manchineel Tree
- Matrimony vine
- Mayapple
- Milk vetch
- Mistletoe
- Monkshood
- Moonseed
- Morning glory
- Mountain mahogany
- Mustards
- Narcissus (bulbs)
- Nicotiana
- Nightshade
- Oaks (shoots, leaves)
- Oleander
- Philodendrons
- Pokeweed
- Poinsettia
- Poison hemlock
- Rattle box
- Rhododendron
- Rhubarb
- Rosary pea (seeds)
- Sago palm
- Skunk cabbage
- Smartweeds
- Snow-on-the-mountain
- Sorghum
- Star of Bethlehem
- Velvet grass
- Wild black cherry
- Wild radish
- Wisteria
- Woody aster
- Yellow jessamine
- Yellow oleander
- Yellow pine flax
- Yew
What common foods and drinks can be dangerous to my dog?
- Alcohol
- Cat food – too much is bad for the pancreas
- Chocolate
- Coffee, Tea, Caffeinated Colas
- Cooked Bones
- Grapes or Raisins
- Macadamia nuts
- Many fruit pits and rinds
- Onions
- Salty/fatty snacks – too much is bad for the pancreas
- Spoiled food
What other substances can be dangerous to my dog?
- Anti-freeze
- Human prescription drugs
- Rat poison
- Insecticides
How can I induce vomiting if my dog has swallowed something toxic?
What is canine influenza?
What are tick-borne diseases?
Texas is a high-risk state for ticks, and racing greyhounds in particular are at high risk for exposure across the US. GALT tests for and treats tick-borne diseases like Ehrlichia, Babesia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Lyme disease because they can have long-term effects on your greyhound’s health. Chronic symptoms can include:
- High fever
- Depression or lethargy
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Loss of appetite or loss of body weight
- Vomiting
- Nose bleeds, skin hemorrhage or any other unusual bleeding
- Swollen legs or lymph nodes
- Nervous system disorders, such as stiff gait, head tile, seizures or twitching
- Pale gums and/or inner eye membranes
Learn more information on tick-borne diseases here.
Do greyhounds suffer from "White Coat" Syndrome?
How should I take care of my greyhound's teeth?
Our vets recommend a thorough, professional dental cleaning under anesthesia when it is called for. There are services which provide dental scaling without anesthesia, but there are detriments to this approach, detailed in this position paper.
Click here to read an article regarding the importance of your pet’s dental care.
Is Ebola a risk for pets?
Fear is running high about Ebola right now, but the risk is minimal both to you and your pets.
Where can I find more information on greyhound health?
Another great resource is The Greyhound Health Initiative – Dr. Guillermo Couto’s team’s website, greyhound health initiative, has very informative and educational articles focused on improving the health of sighthound dogs worldwide through education, research, and accessibility for owners, adopters as well as veterinarians.
Have more questions?
If you have a question that was not answered in one of our FAQ pages, please call or email GALT!
[email protected]