Additional Adoption Fee Information for This Hound
GALT is charging an adoption fee of $750 for Irish retired racing greyhounds 7 years and younger and $650 for those 8 and over.
The Irish greyhounds arrive to us spayed or neutered with current rabies vaccinations. The transportation cost averages $1,620 per dog, and GALT spends another approximately $400 for CBC blood work with heartworm test, Protatek testing, dental and vaccinations required for this environment.
At this time, Ireland is the current source for retired racing greyhounds. Southland track in West Memphis, AR is ceasing racing December 31, 2022. After that time there will be only 2 tracks left in West Virginia. All of those retired racers will go to adoption groups on the east coast.
For its almost 22 years in existence, GALT has operated as a 501 (c) 3 Corporation. The Irish retired racers’ adoption fee correlates to this policy.
This Hound’s adoption fee is: $750
Blackie, aka Stung for Cash, is a 5 year old black female born on January 7, 2018. Her sire is Swift Hoffman and her dam is Sallins Lisa. Blackie has 44 races in Ireland to her credit on Greyhound Data. She is undergoing medical evaluation. We still need to evaluate her for small animal and cat tolerance.
Blackie is a happy little, tail-wagging, Irish lass who keeps us thoroughly entertained with her antics. She’s absolutely crazy about toys that squeak. She’ll toss one high in the air, sending it flying in any random direction, then pounce on it when it lands and send it flying again. Blackie loves rides in the car, jumps right in on her own, and settles down quickly. Long walks are another favorite activity of hers and she’s excellent on the leash. She’s interested in watching the squirrels and bunnies she encounters but doesn’t strain to get to them. Meeting someone new when she’s out and about can be the highlight of her day. She’s very friendly and loves the extra attention strangers always give her. When she’s indoors and sees other dogs or strange people walking down the street she barks loudly to greet them.
Blackie is a pretty little girl with a velvet soft, shiny black coat and bright eyes. She’s agile and fast with excellent control. She zooms around the house never running into or knocking anything over. In the backyard, she joyfully flies at record speeds. Meal times are another highlight of her day. She eats well and never leaves a single morsel behind. Any crumbs that may hit the floor are scooped up fast! She’s a neat drinker at the water bowl too. She’s never had a single accident in the house and she sleeps soundly through the night.
Blackie is a smart greyhound with a sweet personality who loves affection and attention. We watch her on the nanny cam when we’re out and she’s very well-behaved whether we are home or not. She hasn’t yet been tested with cats or small dogs. To be sure, whoever adopts Blackie will find they had the “luck of the Irish” the day she came into their lives!