Many Thanks to GALT’s 2022 Emergency HEROES!
August 1, 2022
About three weeks ago, GALT announced a special 2022 Emergency Fund to cover some extraordinary medical expenses and utilities that arose when we were in a cash crunch between major fundraisers. An anonymous donor quickly offered $10,000 in matching funds, and we met that goal in the first week! Then two other generous donors, Lori & Bill Elmer, pledged another $5,000 in matching funds in memory of Rock (pictured above”) — the greyhound who “started it all” for them in 1992.
We are pleased to advise that 24 Emergency HEROES (listed below) stepped up to the challenge to donate $500 or more between July 10th and July 31st, for a total of $13,000. While we are sincerely grateful to these HEROES and our matching fund donors, we also appreciate the 66 other GALT HEROES who donated between $25 and $250 – for a total of $4,600!
In summary, in about three weeks our GREYT donors combined forces to provide GALT with $17,600 in funds to help cover the emergency needs of our greyhounds, exceeding our $15,000 goal by $2,600.
The $15,000 in matching funds will bring our grand total to $32,600! Every single HERO contributed to this effort, and we are humbled and honored by your dedication and commitment to helping GALT’s greys! THANK YOU ALL, FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!
Special thanks to the following heroes who donated $500 or more:
Jeannie LaDriere
This donation is from my amazing fur babies, Dallas and Marilyn!


Ashley Westfall
In memory of Jordan and my life partner Jack Foley – and in honor of my current best girl Skye. I’m honored to be able to be able to be an Emergency Hero. My donation is a tangible way for me to express the enormous amount of gratitude I have for my dogs and for GALT for pairing me with my perfect sass pants, Skye. My dogs do nothing but bring me joy every day and have made me such a better person.

Ashley & Skye
Tyler Fisher
In honor of Red Utopia (nka Red) and Slatex Shame (fka Shane nka Stuart)!
Stefani Forsythe
In honor of Sage
Jennifer & Mark Followill
In honor of Joey, the newest greyhound member of our family! We appreciate everything GALT does for these wonderful hounds. Because of GALT we’ve had four “children” and some great fosters along the way.

Barbara & Ron Christian
In loving memory of our Rainbow Bridge Angels Julie and Hondo, who we miss dearly.
(Photo credit – Melody McLaughlin)

Julie & Hondo
Rita & Chris Wulke
In memory of our beloved Shelby and Slate. They brought so much to our lives and are sorely missed. We hope to see them again at the Rainbow Bridge one day. We signed up because we know how special these pups are to so many and that GALT needs the support. We are very proud of our pups and will always do our best to support the efforts of GALT.


Janet & Wick Culp
In loving memory of our GALT angels Hope, Winston, Jasper, Jax, Millie, Cannon and Arnie – plus our current babies Pickles and Leo!

Pickles & Leo serenade Mom and Pop with a Roo Fest!
Liz & Dan Hudson
In honor of our beloved Molly Bee along with Merry, who has crossed over the
Rainbow Bridge.

Molly Bee

Steve & Claudia Butterworth
In honor of Sage, our “honorary grey”! Steve’s tenure with GALT has been brief, but he has always been drawn to canine rescues, like our sweet Sage. Steve and Claudia are happy to offer financial support for GALT’s greys and say “Keep up the good work!”

Sage and Steve “on our way to somewhere fun!”
Elizabeth Flanigan
In honor of sweet Red. We will always love you!
Kim Sanford
In honor of Dr. Jeff Ellis — and in memory of my Rainbow Bridge grey Ava.
Lisa & Dave Holmes
In Honor of Margaret Pennington’s August birthday. Also in memory of her beloved greys Annie, Roxie and Leyla.


John & Kathryn Meek
In honor of Springer, our GALT Service Dog.
Sandra Simmons
In honor of my GALT greys Gwen & Dacy.
Joni Henderson
In honor of all my GALT greys
Hope Kahan
In memory of Princess Leia and in honor of Lyza June and Penny Precious!
Suzanne Burke
In honor of my GALT hounds: Odin, Brenna, Dobbler, Cheyenne & Maggie.
Casey Bergman
In gratitude to Suzanne Burke for introducing me to amazing dogs, and bringing Erica and Wish into my life.
Jana Etheridge & David Carles
We are happy to help the hounds in memory of our Little Kayla.
Thank you to GALT for all that you do!

Julie & Rick Waller
In honor of Lonnie and Marian Jones on the grand occasion of adopting Miss Leslie — their 24th magnificent greyhound!
Margaret Pennington
In loving memory of my beloved Rainbow Bridge Angels Annie, Roxie and Leyla – and also in honor of my very special “honorary grey” Randi.

Margaret with Roxie (left) and Annie (right).
Shelley & William Latta
In memory of all our GALT angels, plus our current greys Connie and Lulu!


Cheryl & Greg Stephens
In loving memory of our GALT angels Ribbon, Stryker, Sydney and Shady –
and in honor of Dion and Bootsie.

