Willie’s Memorial of Love
December 2, 2010 – November 20, 2023
Beloved and cherished always by Barb & Ron Christian
Our precious Willie Boy earned his wings on 11/20/23 at the office of our long-time vet in Carrollton, TX. Willie was a favorite of the vet techs – especially the ladies, since he was such a ladies’ man! Many of his friends gathered to love on him and tell him goodbye in the area where they gave him his “pawticures” for so many years. We are grateful that Willie had a happy life in our home for almost eleven years and traveled to the Rainbow Bridge surrounded by Mom, Pop, Ali and good friends.
Willie had an amazing lineage, with champions like Molotov and Gable Dodge in his family tree. Many thought he was destined to become a champion in his own right, while burning up the training track in Kansas and winning his first official race wire-to-wire by 20 lengths. However, fate stepped in, and Willie broke his right rear hock on the final turn after the finish line. After surgery and a year in rehab, he apparently regained his top speed but could no longer make the turns efficiently – so he raced straight to our couch and never looked back.
Willie was the Alarm Clock and Lifeguard of our family. He sounded the alarm every morning for breakfast and every evening for dinner/treats – while adding at least two WALK alarms during the day. After falling into the pool a couple of times, he took his job as Family Lifeguard seriously, issuing !DANGER! warning barks when Mom got into her float to read a book during the long hot Texas summers. He would even sound warnings when Mom or Pop reached into the pool to grab a chlorine float or adjust the Polaris. Willie the Lifeguard was taking no chances with the safety of his people. His other superpower was Willie’s Turndown Service, creating an amazing pillow nest for himself in the process!
Willie and RB sibling Julie (and later sister Ali) loved to spend time with Mr. Joe and Miss Mary when Mom and Pop were out of town. The Ladies’ Man especially loved being Mary’s home office assistant, rarely leaving her side during work days. Our special guy touched many lives and made wonderful friends along the way. RIP, sweet Willie. We will always cherish our time with you and look forward to seeing you, Julie and big brother Hondo one day at the Bridge

Willie – fka Witty /
CTW Wit N Wisdom
GALT Tag #2029