Harley, aka Zam Ammo, is a 9-year-old red brindle boy born July 14, 2004. Harley's sire is Fortified Power and his dam is WW Lenny Lumina. Like his brother, Bison, Harley was not competitive and has no recorded races. Harley is a very cute, playful, smaller boy with a docked tail, which just adds to his expressive personality!
Harley was adopted out for a year but has been returned due to his owner's health problems and no fault of his own. (This is the second time this has happened to poor Harley!) So, Harley is once again looking for his FOREVER home. Harley is small animal and cat tolerant.
Harley broke a rear leg in his previous home while playing. The leg healed, but the screws and plate recently had to be removed as they were causing irritation. His leg is still healing from that surgery at the Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center.
Harley's leg is sporting an external fixator that will be on his leg for approximately 8-10 weeks. Dr. Bob Radasch of the Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center is hopeful that his leg will heal properly with this new apparatus.
The last of the pins have been removed from the external fixator; however, Harley will have to be monitored very carefully in his foster home for the next 4 weeks to insure complete healing.
Harley has been diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his previously broken leg. He is being kept comfortable with pain medications in his loving foster home for as long as possible.
Harley has left us for the Rainbow Bridge.
The special medical treatment cost needed by Harley is why the Miss Mesa Fund was established. If you would like to help with Harley's care, please take a moment to make a donation to the fund. You can use a credit card, check or PayPal by making the donation through the GALT GreytStore. You can also write a check (Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, 3400 Carlisle St, #310, Dallas, TX 75204) and note Miss Mesa Fund/Harley on your check.
Alternately, you can make a donation using PayPal by clicking on the button below. (The PayPal screen should appear in a new browser window; to return to GALT, close the PayPal window when you're finished making your donation.)
You WILL and CAN make a difference in Harley's life and the lives of other greyhounds in need of special medical care. Your help and support will make a difference... one greyhound at a time.
Harley has a gentle, cute personality and expressive face. He occasionally roaches, but is more of a curl-up kind of guy. He gets along greyt with the other hounds of the house, and lives with three cats. He mostly ignores the cats, but gives half-hearted chase if he's in lively mode. The cats are relaxed with him.
Harley loves his walks and outings, and is prone to a few zoomies around the back yard. He responds happily to an enthusiastic voice, especially when he hears his name. Very Cute!
He gets a little excited when going to a meet & greet, and has quite the endearing soprano vocals. I've found it best to get the singing out of the way in the beginning, so Harley makes a big entrance! Then he's mellow for the rest of the time and is content to quietly get all the loving he can. Harley had to have quite a few teeth extracted, so hard toys aren't his thing. He can crunch some treats, but does better with softer treats and the sandwich cookie-type treats. His kibble gets soaked overnight for breakfast, and through the day for his dinner.
Will Harley-kin ride away with your heart?
Harley's Foster Mom