Trinity is a four-year-old black female, born August 2000. She is double tattooed, so we will never know her history but she has quite a story - and as we say - only in Texas! Trinity came to GALT on Sunday, October 31 Halloween - as a stray. She was spotted by GALT volunteer and dad to greyhound Jordan, Randy Whipple and his children, Ryan and Jessica, as they were returning to their home from Fort Worth. Trinity was in very bad shape. She is now fully recovered and is in a very loving foster home. Trinity is very, very smart girl with energy and spirit. She is very interactive, and will do best in a home as an only pet. She is not small animal or cat tolerant.
Randy's Story of how Trinity came to GALT
For those of you that do not know my kids, Ryan and Jessica, they are just as committed to saving greyhounds as any of us. They have gone with me to Clyde, TX to pick up a grey that was being turned over to GALT; they have been to meet and greets and talked to people about the joys of owning a grey. This story is about why we, as GALT volunteers, do what we do for any greyhound.
On Sunday, October 31, the kids and I were on the way back from Fort Worth. On a grassy hill just South of the NE 28th Street exit the kids and I saw a dog that looked like a greyhound walking down the hill and onto the shoulder of the highway. I quickly changed lanes and looped down an exit and back up to 28 Street to try to find the dog. As I pulled into a parking lot we approached a security guard shack. The kids and I talked to the guard and convinced him that the dog was not ours, but that we represented GALT. I directed him to look at my bumper sticker (yup one of the GALT ones), hoping to lend some credibility to our story. He agreed to allow us to try to get the dog.
We followed the guard to an area between two warehouses and a gate that lead to the grassy hill next to the highway. The guard said the greyhound had been spotted about 4:30 a.m. that day, and he had removed her muzzle and given her water. (She was wearing a plastic muzzle and choke chain collar.) He was very concerned about her welfare and wanted to know that we would not euthanize the grey. I assured him that the dog would be taken to Houn House, cleaned up and have an appointment for a medical check up on Monday morning. From there she would recuperate from her injuries and find a forever retirement home. He caught her with no problem and slipped a leash that I had around her neck and brought her over. The kids gave him one of the GALT brochures and showed him our GALT volunteer badges (see Kristin we do use them!).
As we left the warehouse area, I read the name of where we were -- Trinity Industries. The kids wanted to name her, and I told them that would be fine, but the final decision would be up to GALT. I suggested Trinity since we had found her at Trinity Industries. The three of us are big fans of The Matrix. Trinity (the dog) is solid black with white toes, Trinity (the female lead in the Matrix) wears black. Another reason for deciding on Trinity was we found her on Sunday.
Ryan got to practice some of his Boy Scout First Aid. While en route to Houn House, Ryan discovered that one of the injuries on her leg had started bleeding. He applied direct pressure and talked to her to calm her down. The bleeding soon stopped, and she lay down on Jordons sleeping bag. Ryan got her choke chain (battleship chain as Ryan referred to it) off her neck. By the time we got to Houn House we figured out that she was covered in fleas.
Once we got to the kennel, GALT volunteers were waiting to help with her bath with a medicated shampoo. We discovered an open wound under her tail, which caused the greatest concern. After her bath she got the warm towel treatment spa style, ears cleaned and her wounds coated with Neosporin. Meanwhile the kids were helping keep Trinity warm and calm. It was decided that Trinity, because of her condition, should not stay at Houn House, but go to a foster home.
WOW what a day for her from the Fort Worth side of the Metroplex, all the way to Carrollton, to the foster home in Richardson in the course of three hours!
She is a cute four-year-old girl with a sweet face. She looked at us like "I know you are going to take care of me, so I am going to lay here and let you." She walked right next to me while she was on her leash. She seemed a bit overwhelmed with the barking of the other dogs at Houn House, but it was a nice change from the sound of rushing traffic only hours before.
Leaving Houn House I will admit tears welled up in my eyes when I heard Jessica say, "This was cool, I've never been involved in saving a life before." Through a choked voice I explained to both of the kids that we are involved with saving a greyhound's life anytime that we are with GALT, but Sunday was truly special.
All of GALTs volunteers can and do make a difference in the lives of the dogs that we help.
And for Trinity, it was a difference between life and death
She is kind of a "monkey see, monkey do" fast learner. It is a blessing to take her out to walk. She goes out, immediately does all her business... a real no-nonsense kind of gal. Not like my others, they have to check out every tree, who is peeing where and which plastic bag will be used to collect what, and if there are any squirrels within a three-mile radius. With my three it is a real treasure hunt when we go out. Trinity knows exactly what she's supposed to do out there and I'm so proud of her that she never has had even one accident in the house. By the way, she sleeps all through the night, no 4 am wake-up calls for nature walks for this girl! She is very quiet in her crate, doesn't bark or cry, she is a little lady, and just gets excited when feeding time comes around.
She loves rubber toys and to chew on stuff and needs them to keep her occupied while in the crate. Trinity oves to watch TV, which is left on for her when she is in the crate. She is very curious about what is happening in each room and you can tell she has lived in a house before. She also loves rides in the car and sits between the driver and passenger seat navigating or just lays in the back seat.
She likes to go on longer walks and is very leash savvy, no pulling, and very easy to walk. Trinity likes to be held and stroked and is very affectionate. Physically, she needs to put on some more weight, but her skin is in good condition and her coat is shiny and clean and she is very distinguishing with the little patch of white on her chest, like a shining star, and some white on her feet from walking in star dust.
Trinity's Foster Mom
Trinity had multiple open wounds, scrapes and scratches on her body literally from head to toes. But the very worst was a ruptured, abscessed anal gland. This was an open, deep wound. She was in the care of Dr. Jeff Ellis and Dr. Amanda Florsheim at Preston Park Animal Hospital.