Sarah is an approximately 2 1/2 year old white and fawn female released to GALT by the Amarillo Panhandle Humane Society. She, along with Charlotte and Olivia, was surrendered to them by a west Texas coyote hunter. Sarah is currently being medically evaluated.

Sarah is not cat tolerant at this time and has not been tested with small animals yet.

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Sarah is a very sweet girl and may be a bit timid at first but will come to you for petting. She is unsure of slick floors but manages them with no issue after a short time. She loves to play but sudden moves by her humans might spook her a little. She has a beautiful curled tail when on alert. She slept thru the night and had no accidents in the house. Sarah prefers to not share her space when eating.

Sarah's Foster Family

3400 Carlisle St #430, Dallas, TX 75204-1265
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