Rolex, aka Rolex Lee, is a 5-year-old black male born June 14, 2006. His sire is Trent Lee, and his dam is I Can't Wait, making his grand-sire the late, famous Molotov. Rolex started his racing career December 19, 2007, at Valley Race Park in Harlingen, TX, and ended the season there in April 2008. He then went on to race at Gulf Greyhound Park in La Marque, TX, from August 1, 2009, to September 5. 2009. Rolex's tail was amputated shortly after his arrival into GALT's family. Rolex is not cat or small dog tolerant.
Rolex has been a greyt foster success. House training was simple with a good schedule and a cozy crate. A good diet and regular exercise have resulted in healthy weight gain and beautiful muscle tone. Rolex's coat is shinier and his personality sparkles more than ever. His enthusiasm to work can be seen in his face; he now smiles during our training sessions.
Rolex is currently working on skills needed to pass the Canine Good Citizen Test. He also practices fun stuff like spin, twist, touch, circle, and a figure eight maneuver around my legs. Today I started teaching him to play dead as I pretended to shoot him. The more Rolex learns the more he wants to learn. He is a greyt dog with greyt potential.
Rolex's Foster Mom