Nick, aka Saint Nick, is an approximately 3-year-old fawn male born around October 25, 2014. He was surrendered along with three of his littermates from the same home as the Baytown Nine puppies GALT received the summer of 2015. A volunteer in the area is working with the home to have their male greyhounds neutered. In honor of receiving the pups during the Christmas season, the four have been named in a holiday theme! The other boys are Kris, aka Kris Kringle and King, aka We Three Kings. Sadly, the fourth puppy, Feliz Navidad, passed away in his sleep on the eve of his arrival at GALT.
Nick has been in a home for a couple of years, but has returned to GALT to continue his search for a forever home.

3400 Carlisle St #430, Dallas, TX 75204-1265
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