Keppy is a 5-year-old Spanish "Galgo" girl who has traveled to Texas from Spain* by way of Belgium, where she was part of the adoption group "Greyhounds In Need". Keppy's original adoptive family was not able to keep her, so, with the blessing of GIN, GALT has accepted her into our fold.
*For those of you who don't know about the greyhounds in other parts of the world, Spain races greyhounds at tracks where no standards are enforced for their care. In recent years, the plight of the racing greyhound in Spain has been exposed and has led adoption groups throughout Europe to aid in the placement and rescue of these magnificient galgos. Those are the lucky ones, as Keppy was; many galgos in Spain are used for hunting after their racing career has ended, and after a "season" of hunting, they are destroyed - mostly by hanging.
Keppy is a bit shy at first but she starts to shine once she gets comfortable with you. She likes to entertain herself with toys, and will give you subtle hints when she's hungry. She quickly picks her "nap" spots, and consistently goes to them. She likes lying in the crate while I'm busy on the computer. She likes to follow me around the house most of the time, though I suspect she'll grow out of that once she's more comfortable. She gets along wonderfully with my other dogs and loves to go for walks. She likes the back yard but prefers the walks. She's a bit nervous on car rides but doesn't hesitate to jump in and actually gets excited if she thinks she's going somewhere. Keppy is a wonderful dog; she's quiet and very affectionate.
I wrote the following little bit on Keppy:
Keep her close to your heartKeppy's Foster Mom
Even if you are both apart
Pet her gently she needs love and attention
Praise her generously and she'll make the connection
You are her companion and she'll give you her affection.