Angel, aka CSL Wild Angel, is a 3½-year-old brindle female born October 18, 2008. Her sire is Craigie Whistler and her dam is Y Knot Cady. Angel has 35 races to her credit on, all at Gulf Greyhound Park - she was quite the racer, competing in the AA class! Her record of races starts on October 8, 2010 and ends on April 28, 2011. She broke her leg in November 2011, and it was repaired, however she is suffering from complications due to a bone infection and joined the GALT family to receive necessary treatment.
Dr. Bob Radasch of the Dallas Veterinary Surgery Center removed the pin and wire that were originally inserted in Angel's leg last November. A culture was taken of the surrounding tissue to determine the best antibiotic that should be prescribed to counteract this severe infection. Angel's leg is very unstable, so a splint was put in place which will require weekly bandage changes at this time. It is hopeful the infection can be cleared up. If so, she will be back to square one, having the leg re-set, which again, we hope is possible. Angel has a long, long road of recovery ahead of her.
Angel's infection has improved, but it has not cleared up. The infection weakened the bone to the point where it is impossible for her leg to be saved - there is no healthy bone available to fuse together. Angel's leg will have to be amputated, and her surgery is being scheduled for this week.
Angel's amputation surgery was performed on March 8 by Dr. Christy Soileau and Dr. Jeff Ellis of VCA Preston Park Animal Hospital and it went well. There is swelling, of course, as is associated with any surgery of this magnitude. It is expected that Angel will be discharged to her acute care foster home on March 10.
Angel is healing well from her surgery, and her spay is scheduled for the week of April 16. She should be soon ready to find her forever home!