Guy Guy

Guy, aka U Too Guy, is a strikingly handsome, almost 3-year-old white and red male born March 6, 2007. His sire is U Too Giter Done, making his grand sire the famous Gable Dodge, and his dam is U Too Fleece Bay, making his grand sire Molotov. Guy had a bright future until he broke his right hock at Valley Race Park in Harlingen, TX, on January 12, 2009.

Guy’s surgery was performed at the Dallas Surgery Center. His leg has now healed, and he is ready to find his forever home! 

Guy’s introduction to cats: Guy had mild interest in the cats, but only to get a good sniff. Except when he saw a couple of cats for the first time, he had no interest when he saw one walking across the floor or up on the table. He was curious at first, but obviously the new creatures were no big deal to the Greyhounds of the house where he was being tested. Guy is cat trainable, but as always, close supervision is advised when introducing a new dog to a home with a cat. We hope he will do as well with small dogs when tested later.

3400 Carlisle St #430, Dallas, TX 75204-1265
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