Carly, fka GS Carly, is an almost 3 year old black female born on June 26, 2017. Her sire is GS Taylor and her dam is GS Casey. Carly has 68 races listed on Greyhound Data and now she’s just ready to find her family. She is currently undergoing medical evaluation and will be tested with cats and small animals soon.

Carly hasn’t met a human she didn’t instantly fall in love with (and try to go home with!). She would love a big family and someone to keep her company, because she doesn’t enjoy being alone. While Carly does not appear to need another dog in the house to give her comfort, she would very much like her favorite human to spend as much time with her as possible.

Carly enjoys walks and hasn't been very interested in small animals, in fact she didn’t even notice all the bunnies we’ve walked by recently! Ideally Carly would like short walks and long naps on the grass! Inside, she's learning what no means and we're working on teaching her to go to her spot and lay down.

This beautiful girl's favorite activities include: eating, napping, eating, tearing up toys, and eating! She is quite vocal and will let you know if she needs to go outside or if breakfast or dinner are running late! If you're looking for an adoring and faithful companion, Carly would love you to be the center of her universe.

Carly's Foster Mom

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