April 5, 2000 - April 13, 2011
I remember the first day I met Fiona in Dallas, I had brought some treats to meet
some Greyhounds to potentially adopt and Fiona came up to me and wasn't shy about nosing her way into my palms where I was holding the treats. I made my choice
then and there. Since then Fiona and I have been through a lot together. We have moved up to Toronto Canada where I met my future wife Angela who instantly fell
in love with Fiona. Fiona passed away suddenly on April 13, 2011 having just turned 11 years old a week earlier. We will miss her daily as she was such a constant
joy in not only our lives but in the lives of all those who met her.
Fiona was always great at being the boss with other dogs, greeting everyone at the door with sweet kisses and exuberant tail wagging, sniffing out treats and soft surfaces to lay on (even on our furniture if we weren't looking) and charming strangers with her regal form. We'll miss her sweet barks and twitches as she slept away most of the days when she wasn't looking for treats and toys to play with. We'll miss her seeing our little boy Ryan growing up. Most of all, we'll miss her companionship and unconditional love. Rest in peace Fiona. We are so lucky to have had the time together that we did and also to have the opportunity to rescue one of the most beautiful greyhounds ever. We'll miss you and love you always.
Love James Chow, Angela Luong, Ryan Chow, family and friends.