Asp, aka Duron Asp, is a 3-year-old brindle male born June 6, 2011. His sire is Flying Hydrogen and his dam is Friend. Asp has 55 races on record, starting on May 11, 2013 at Bluffs Run and ending on July 27, 2014 at Gulf Greyhound Park with a broken right rear hock.

Asp passed an initial cat test, but after spending time with them in a foster home, he has been deemed not cat tolerant at this time.

Asp is scheduled for surgery on August 4 with Dr. Lange of the Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center.

UPDATE 8/6/14

Asp has a heel bone fracture which produced multiple bone splinters, along with a cleaner break of a tarsal bone. Dr. Lange of the Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center implanted a seven hole plate with seven screws to stabilize the area, and a wire tension band was placed over the plate for additional stabilization. There was a lot of swelling, so Asp is being kept a few extra days for close supervision. Bandage changes will occur weekly for at least 8 weeks.

UPDATE 11/11/14

Asp is out of his splint, has been leash walked for rehab, and has completed his medical procedures. He is ready to find his forever home! If his implanted screws ever cause irritation in the future, they may need to be surgically removed.

3400 Carlisle St #430, Dallas, TX 75204-1265
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