GALT Garage Sale

August 30, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008 was as you would expect in Texas – hot and muggy.  However, that did not deter GALT’s die-hard volunteers, who began setting up the garage sale at 7:00 a.m.  Some were still there when it was closed at 4:30 p.m.

GALT is greytful for all of the generous donations from GALT’s family and friends.  It was a long, hot day but worth it in the end. For its efforts, GALT raised more than $2,000 to help more Greyhounds.

Thanks to Kris Schuster for obtaining the site and organizing the dropoff of donations (and selling all day) and volunteers, Susie and John McQuade, Helen Tuohy, John Hudson, Shannon and Santina Forrest, Deborah Canterbury, Mary and Joe Hoiles, Mary Thomas, Suzanne Cody, Joanne Smith, Suzanne Griggs and Chris Henager.

One of the highlights of the day was a visit from Linda Zaccard and her service dog, Symbol.  Symbol broke his front right leg last spring, and Linda wanted everyone to see how well he is doing and that he is back at “work.”