Sandy Paws
Jekyll Island, GA
March 2012
Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Inc. (GALT) was presented with the 2012 Greythound Guardians� Angel Award at this year�s Sandy Paws event held in Jekyll Island, GA. GALT was recognized because of the tireless commitment of the numerous GALT volunteers who work every day to ensure that GALT lives its �no grey turned away� policy.
GALT volunteers work thousands of hours each year to help the hounds. In 2011, they ran over 150 GALT Meet the Greyhounds events. They drove thousands of miles managing vet appointments, performing home visits, picking up hounds from the track, shelters, and doing whatever it takes to find each hound its home. They opened their hearts and their homes as fosters and spent countless hours providing TLC at the boarding facilities and critical in-home care for those hounds with special needs. They organized and participated in a wide array of events and fundraisers throughout the year - giving their time and talents freely for each one - all for the GALT greyhounds. Their day-by-day and year-after-year, tireless efforts to help greyhounds in need and to place them in loving, long-term homes are what enables GALT to carry on.
GALT is so very honored to be recognized by its peers in greyhound adoption. Through the generosity and compassion of dedicated volunteers, GALT will continue to be "guardian angels" for greyhounds in need - regardless of circumstance or condition. Thank you to the Greythound Guardians for this recognition of GALT's work!