Diamond Jim and Diamond Jack are now GALT's latest little angels, running and playing, pain free, at the Rainbow Bridge. The lethal disease, distemper, took both their precious lives.
Many of you have sent donations to help with their care, which is deeply, deeply appreciated. Their required 24-hour care has been costly during this past week, amounting to more than $4000. It is because of the generosity of GALT's greyhound community of supporters that any greyhound in need can be helped.
Please consider making a donation in memory of these little angels. Other greyhounds in need will be helped by honoring the memory of Diamond Jack and Diamond Jim.
The Story of Daddy Duke, Diamond Jack, Diamond Jim & Topaz
Diamond Jim, aka Jimmy, only stayed in our lives for about a week as our first foster puppy. I knew it would be quite the experience, but I didn't have any idea that it would have such a profound effect on our lives. We were elated to have him in our home to share with our 7-year-old human daughter, Molly, who has never had a puppy before. Of course, Pistol and Padre, our dog son and daughter, were not so thrilled! They did their best to stay away from him, but Jimmy was very persistent, wanting to play and run around with them as they raced in the backyard. Mackenzie, our other foster, loved him like he was her own. She bathed him and tolerated all of his crazy antics. They shared a bed when the other two were occupied, and neither one seemed to mind.
Jimmy had a very happy last seven days of his life, sleeping on the couch like a cat often in a cockroach position, eating canned food, getting a few extra treats here and there. We just couldn't say no to him and I'm glad that we didn't.
I can only imagine what it's like up there in Heaven with Jack and Jim together again. I know that they are in a better place where there is no such thing as distemper. Even though Jimmy was not officially adopted by us, we considered him to be one of our own and I truly think he knew that he was in his "forever home" with us, Molly, Mackenzie, Padre, Pistol, and four kitties. He will be deeply missed by all of us.
Thank you, Susie, for all of your help over the past week and for being with him as he crossed the bridge.
Diamond Jim's Foster Mom