Royal is a 2 year old black male born in 2016. He was part of the population from the blood bank facility located in Cherokee, TX that closed in November 2017. Royal has been medically evaluated by GALT's veterinarians and has completed all his medical procedures. Royal is ready to find his forever home. It is not yet known if he is small animal or cat tolerant. Please check back periodically for updates on Royal as his majesty's journey to a forever home unfolds.

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Royal is our most shy boy at the kennel and we hope to have him in a nurturing home soon. This young man is very submissive around other dogs. And even though Royal is fearful around humans, he is extremely gentle and has never shown even a hint of aggression. But, please be aware that if Royal does somehow come off-leash, he will be fast to run away. Are you the patient foster home ready to lead Royal’s amazing journey to his forever family? [Note: We would not recommend a home with children for this foster]

3400 Carlisle St #430, Dallas, TX 75204-1265
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